Need Help Moving House in Newcastle?
Moving house can be both exciting and stressful at the same time. A major cause of stress is the safe relocation of your household items from your old property to your new location. So how do you make sure your worldly possessions stay safe during the big move?
If you’re using a moving company, shop around and ask for quotes, and before you sign any contracts make sure you’re happy with their terms.
Before you sign up, ask to see the contract up front
A lot of moving companies use online booking forms, and you may only get to read the terms and conditions when you’re just about to submit the form.
It’s a good idea to study their terms before you get to this stage. Make sure you understand who’s liable if things go missing or something gets broken. You may want to negotiate different terms, or use a different carrier.
As with any contract, pay attention to the exclusions. Some moving companies do not cover items like passports, watches, and jewellery. You may want to move valuables yourself.
Newcastle Man and Van Removals
You may forget your toothbrush next time you go away but you can't leave your microbes behind. Millions of bacteria hitch a ride with you, making themselves comfortable wherever you go. Within only a few hours, they will have colonised a hotel room; give them 24 hours and they can take over an entire house.
These are just some of the results from the Home Microbiome Study, the first attempt to trace the path of microbes from our bodies to our built surroundings, and vice versa. "We know that some microbes can increase our weight, we know that some can influence our neurological development, we want to know where those bacteria come from," says Jack Gilbert from the University of Chicago, who leads the work.
The cells of our bodies are outnumbered 10 to 1 by the microbial cells that call our bodies home. Every time we breathe, sneeze or cough we leave traces of these microbial hangers-on. Others are left behind as we shed skin cells or touch surfaces. Given how much time we spend there, most of this microbial shedding is done at home. Despite this, we know surprisingly little about the interaction between our bodily microbes and those in our houses.